BlogFREE social media training in October

FREE social media training in October

FREE social media training in October

We have two free social media training sessions coming up in October for VECTA members.

Get the most out of Twitter

Stuart Allen will be hosting a 3 hour workshop for Vale of Evesham businesses and organisations on using Twitter, in particular looking at how to make the most of Twitter hours. VECTA has recently taken over #EveshamHour which is a weekly Twitter hour on Thursday 8-9pm and we'd love more local businesses and organisations to get involved so this training is a great place to find out how.

Stuart runs The Sales Performance Company and is also the founder of #WorcestershireHour - one of the UK's most successful local Twitter hours.

Date: 16 October 6-9pm

Venue: Squab Storage Business Centre, Vale Park, Evesham

Book now

Social media essentials

Natasha Wooldridge of Modest Marketing will be running a 2 hour workshop aimed at helping VECTA members use social media to promote their business, organisation or events. This workshop will cover why you need to be on social media, which platforms to use, how to set up and use a Facebook page and how to get up and running on Twitter.  

Date: 29 October 6-8pm

Venue: The Northwick Hotel, Riverside, Evesham

Book now

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